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Temporary Εxhibitions

“The Hagia Sophia of the Fossati brothers through the Trikoglios Library of the A.U.TH.”

15.06.2017 - 15.10.2017

Opening of the temporary exhibition “The Hagia Sophia of the Fossati brothers through the Trikoglios Library of the A.U.TH.” in the Museum of Byzantine Culture, on Thursday 15 June at 20.00.

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Museum of Byzantine Culture co-organize the temporary exhibition under the title: “The Hagia Sophia of the Fossati brothers through the Trikoglios Library of the A.U.TH.” in the multi-purpose hall “Eftychia Kourkoutidou-Nikolaidou” (exhibition duration 15 June – 15 October 2017), on the occasion of the celebration of the 90+ years of operation (1927-2017) of the Library & Information Centre of the A.U.TH.

For the first time twenty two (22) colored lithographs of Gaspare Fossati are presented in the exhibition. The lithographs show the church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople and its surrounding area. These excellent works of art were made during the restoration works (1847-1849) on this exquisite monument of global cultural heritage by the two Italian-Swiss architects Gaspare and Giuseppe Fossati. The lithographs are framed by maps of Constantinople (15th, 16th and 18th c.), plans of the church of Hagia Sophia and a brief presentation of the history of the monument through time. The material comes from the famous “Trikoglios Library”, donation of the Greek John Trikoglou, who lived in Egypt, to the Library of the A.U.TH. in 1963. Moreover, the visitor will have the opportunity to watch on a screen selected modern photographic material of Hagia Sophia from the Digital Archive of Greek Culture of Th. Korres (A.U.TH.).

Parallel targets of the exhibition are the promotion of the material of the “Trikoglios Library” and, on the other hand, the emergence of the always topical issue of the protection of monuments of different peoples, cultures and religions, according to the international conventions, the principles of UNESCO and of other international organizations.

The opening of the exhibition will be framed by a music event with the Youth Choir “St. John the Chrysostom” under the direction of Chrysostomos Stamoulis. A reception will follow.



Exhibition Location

Multipurpose hall "Eftychia Kourkoutidou – Nikolaidou”

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