Athos. The Holy Mountain: Exhibition of Photographs and Engravings
04.07.2016 - 04.08.2016
The Museum of Byzantine Culture hosts the temporary exhibition, titled Athos. The Holy Mountain, a tribute of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy for the one thousand years of presence of Russian Monks on Mount Athos (1016-2016). The exhibition includes photographs, such as portraits of monks, as well as major events of Athonite life. Many of the photographers were Athonite monks, who not only made great shots, but they also processed the glass plates and printed them on paper.
The exhibition also includes etchings with Athonite mainly, but also other religious themes, places and monuments of Mount Athos and sacred images. The engravings of the exhibiton come from Athonite workshops (most of them were situated in Karyes). They were aptly given the name “images of the poor”, because of their low production cost, compared to the wooden images. They were the most appropriate means of the time to carry the blessing of Mount Athos’ monasteries to the believers.
Organization: Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy
Production: Athos Photoarchive of the Monastery of Simonopetra, Mount Athos.
Opening hours: Monday–Sunday: 8.00 – 20.00
The entrance is free.
Exhibition Location
Peristyle of the main atrium of the Museum