“Works of Art from Louvre to Thessaloniki: The Reliquary of the True Cross”
14.10.2012 - 27.01.2013
An important Byzantine work of art of the 12th-13th century, the silver reliquary of the “True Cross”, which arrived in France probably as booty after the Fourth Crusade in 1204 and later accepted interventions of Gothic aesthetics, is the central exhibit. The exhibition discusses the important history and use of the Cross as a symbol from ancient times until today. With visual material and authentic works from Museums and individuals, it focuses on the famous, mainly in Western Europe, “History of the True Cross” and its artistic performance in the religious art of the West and in the post-Byzantine art of the East, with key examples from Arezzo of Tuscan and from Cyprus. The exhibition “Works of art from the Louvre to Thessaloniki” is organized in collaboration with the Louvre Museum and the Movement of 5 Museums of Thessaloniki. The event is held under the auspices of the Embassy of France in Greece and the French Institute of Greece, within the framework of cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Religions, Culture and Sports with the Louvre Museum and is part of the actions for the anniversary of 100 years since the liberation of Thessaloniki and of the events of the cultural festival of DIMITRIA, organized by the Municipality of Thessaloniki.
Exhibition Location
Multipurpose hall "Eftychia Kourkoutidou – Nikolaidou”