Mosaic residential floors with geometric and floral decoration
Mosaic floors of a luxury residence with geometric and floral decoration. They adorned the floor of the triclinium, the arched reception hall, and three more rooms of the residence. In the central, square hall of the triclinium, an interlace forms a square emblem surrounded by circular and square bands with floral and geometrical themes. The theme of the niche of the triclinium is zatrikion [type of chessboard pattern, an ancient board game], surrounded by bands of triangles, shoots, and ivy leaves. The other three rooms are decorated with pelts, quatrefoils, interlocking octagons, and scales.
ΒΨ 20
Mosaic detached
End of 4th c.
Central hall of the triclinium: 8,40x8,20m.; Arch of the triclinium: radius 7,85m.; SE room: 3,50x1,50m.; NE room: 4,00x3,00m.; West room: 4,05x2,25m.
Material of Construction
Marble and tile tesserae on plaster
Thessaloniki, 3-5, Ano Poli, Cheironos Street,