COLLECTIONS / Best of Museum
Detached wall painting with two zones of a tomb, imitating marble revertment and depicting a sea scene
The lower part is divided into three rectangular panels that imitate marble slabs with venations in green, yellow and brown colour. On the upper part, which is devided by the lower with a band of red colour, there is a depiction of a nude man that is rowing a boat with sail. Fish of different sizes are swimming around him and amongst them are nets.
The presentation, comprising one of the most ancient themes in Christian iconography, symbolically represents the course of the soul to the heavenly port.
ΒΤ 65Α
Wall painting, fresco (detached)
Width 235 cm., height 192 cm
Material of Construction
Paint on mortar
Thessaloniki, western cemetery, 8, Agiou Nestoros street