Detail of a mosaic floor with the south wind
Detail of a mosaic floor from the triclinium of a residence. The floor depicts a theme particularly dear to the 4th and 5th century, originating from pagan traditions. In the center of the room, was formed a square, in which were inscribed two concentric circles. Inside the first circle must had been depicted the personification of the sun, which was surrounded by the zodiac. Personifications of the months and the winds occupy the first row of octagons, which is surrounding the central theme with the sun. From the decoration of the room is fragmentarily preserved the central circle with the rays of the sun, the zodiac with the signs of Pisces, Ram, Taurus, Sagitarius and octagonal panels with the personifications of April, May, June, July and the South Wind. The personifications of the months and the winds are represented as young men accompanied by mosaic inscriptions. The photograph depicts the personification of the South Wind, as a young man blowing a shell.
ΒΨ 67
Mosaic floor
Mosaic floor
Diameter 87 cm
Material of Construction
Stone tesserae
Thessaloniki, Aiolou 21, Street