COLLECTIONS / Best of Museum
Wall painting from a residence with subjects that imitated opus sectile and orthomarmarosis
Reception hall, triclinium of a wealthy residence with its walls covered with frescoes, of which those on the north wall were saved. Between painted columns are formed ten rectangular panels with subjects that alternately imitate opus sectile, decoration with inlaid pieces of marble, cut into various shapes, which were applied to walls and floors, and luxurious marble revetment (orthomarmarosis), in alternating colours. It is a revival of the Pompeian style of painting of the early Christian era which is found at this time in the secular and funerary painting of Thessaloniki.
ΒΤ 136
Wall painting (detached)
End of 5th c.
Total length: 14,52m., greatest height: 1,69m.
Material of Construction
Paint on mortar
Thessaloniki, Ano Poli, 9 Lapithon Street