Holy Doors: The Annunciation; Saints Peter and Paul
Holy Doors that come from an altar gate representing the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary in the upper part and the Prime Apostles in the lower part. The scene of the Annunciation is set in front of high buildings; the Archangel is depicted on the left approaching in an intense pace; the Virgin raises her right hand in a gesture of accepting Gabriel’s message, while in her left hand she holds a spindle. Saints Peter and Paul are presented symmetrically having their faces turned to the centre of the composition; the first one with his right hand in a gesture of speaking and holding keys and a scroll in his left hand; Paul holds with both hands a closed Gospel. The scene of Annunciation constitutes par excellence the theme of decorating the holy doors, as it precedes the Humanizing the Sacrifice on the Cross, while it relates to the Liturgy that is taking place in the Holy Altar. The iconography of the theme is developed in 14th century. The style of the icon lets it to be included in the 14th century Constantinopolitan art and the art of the early Cretan School of 15th century.
BEI 97
Holy Doors (Altar gates)
15th century
Height 122 cm; Length 69.5 cm; Width 4.8 cm
Material of Construction
Wood; egg tempera
D. Economopoulos Collection