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Temporary Εxhibitions

“Engraving the clay” at the Museum and the Art showcases of OTE

15.05.2017 - 05.06.2017

i) Monday 15 May until Monday 5 June 2017| Reception hall (foyer)
Temporary exhibition of engraved ceramics from the Collection of Efi Counougeri-Manoledaki. Selected works of the 20th-21st c. are presented, inspired by the decoration of the engraved ceramics of the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine eras.

ii) Monday 15 May until Monday 5 June 2017| Art showcases of ΟΤΕ at Ch. Diehl St.
Temporary exhibition in the “Art showcases of ΟΤΕ at Ch. Diehl St.” in the Central Building of ΟΤΕ in Thessaloniki in cooperation with the Association of Pottery Makers and Pottery Artists of Northern Greece. Modern creations, influenced by the engraved Byzantine and Post-Byzantine pottery.

With the generous support of WHALE GRAPHICS
Communication sponsors: ΕΡΤ3, 9,58FM, 102 FM, Η ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ, TV100, FΜ100

Exhibition Location

Art showcases of ΟΤΕ at Ch. Diehl St.

Reception Hall (Foyer)

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