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Temporary Εxhibitions

“Philippi 1914-2014. One hundred years of research of the French School of Athens”

23.10.2014 - 31.01.2015

The exhibition includes rich photographic material, designs and maquettes from the archives of the French School of Athens, the University of Lausanne and of the Museum of Byzantine Culture. The material of the exhibition, particularly focusing on the findings of Byzantine times, concerns mainly the first decades of excavations in Philippi.

The Museum of Byzantine Culture, honouring the memory of the recently deceased Eftychia Kourkoutidou-Nikolaidou, former Director of the Museum and excavator of the Basilica of the Museum of Philippi (known also as Basilica C), included in the above exhibition a unit, dedicated to the excavation of the Basilica C, which presents characteristic findings, that illustrate both the Early Christian church, and the reuse of the site during the mid-Byzantine period.


The opening session of the International Conference “The site of Philippi, past, present, future” will start on the same day with the opening of the exhibition, at 18.00, in the auditorium “Stephanos Dragoumis”. Mrs. A. Tsilipakou, Director of the Museum and Mr. Α. Farnoux, Director of the French School of Athens will greet the conference. The opening lecture will be given by Mr. Pierre Ducrey, foreign member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, and President of the Board of Directors of the French School of Athens, titled “Philippes, la redécouverte d’un site. 100 années de recherches”.


Museum of Byzantine Culture, French School of Athens

Exhibition Location

Wing of temporary exhibitions “Kyriakos Krokos”

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