The following are exempted from paying ticket:
(a) children and young people up to 25 years of age in the Member States of the European Union by displaying their police ID or passport to confirm their age and country of origin;
(b) children up to 5 years of age from countries outside the European Union, showing their passport to confirm their age and country of origin;
c) more than 25 years old in secondary schools (evening schools, Second Chance Schools, EPAL) and vocational schools (EPAS OAED) of its Member States The European Union and the European Economic Area, with a demonstration of attendance indicating their duration,
(d) accompanying teachers during educational visits to schools and institutions of the first, second and third levels of the Member States of the European Union and of the European Economic Area;
(e) Social Solidarity Income Participants (KEA) and their dependents, by displaying their police identity and a beneficiary’s entry certificate for participation in the KEA program, for the period indicated participating in the program, as well as a valid document certifying their dependents; (f) holders of a national unemployment card, displaying their police ID and a valid unemployment certificate or recent renewal thereof;
(g) persons with disabilities and one of their companions (the latter provided that such persons have a disability of more than 80%), regardless of country of origin, by displaying their police ID or passport and an EFK Disability Certificate. A. (Resolution of the Disability Certification Center – KEPA) for residents of the country or similar certificate from a relevant competent foreign body,
(h) parents of large families of nationals up to the age of 25 years of age of children or of any age if they have a disability, by displaying their police ID and a certificate of polytechnic status from the Supreme Confederation of Greek Citizens (AS). in force, as well as a Certificate of Invalidity (decision of the Disability Certification Center – KEPPA),
(i) parents of three-year-old families of domestic origin up to the age of 25 or regardless of age if they have a disability, with proof of their current police identity and marital status certificate, as well as an EKF Certificate of Disability .A. (decision of the Disability Certification Center – KEPPA),
(j) parents of single parent families of up to the age of 25 years of age or of children with disabilities, having their police ID and marital status certificate issued by the Municipality in force, as well as a Certificate of Disability Certificate. .A. (decision of the Disability Certification Center – KEPPA),
(k) refugees, displaying a Bulletin of International Protection or a Travel Document of Convention of 28 July 1951 (recognized refugee passport) or a Foreign Travel Document (recognized passport holder) or a Residence Permit;
(l) the servicemen serving in their military service, with a demonstration of an Armed Forces ID card, in force;
m) Greek Olympians, displaying their police ID and membership card of the Hellenic Olympic Association;
n) the official guests of the Greek State at the request of the competent Ministry on a case-by-case basis (Directorate / Office of Etiquette), subject to approval by the Directorate-General for Antiquities and Cultural Heritage;
(o) card holders of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), displaying their ID or passport and the ICOM / ICOMOS membership card in force, Issue B ‘3976 (31.10.2019 GOVERNMENT JOURNAL 45851) p) members of Societies and Associations of Friends of Archaeological Sites and Museums, which belong to the State and are managed by the Ministry of Culture, with the display of the relevant membership card, in force,
(q) officials in charge of the Ministry of Culture and Sport, the Archaeological Resources and Expropriation Fund, the Acropolis Museum and the Kanellopoulou Museum, displaying their official identity;
(r) specialist scientists licensed for the purpose of photographing, studying, designing or publishing antiquities by demonstrating the relevant authorization;
(s) the members of the Hellenic Chamber of Fine Arts, by displaying a membership card, in force;
(t) The native guides with the demonstration of the professional identity, and the students of the guide schools of the Ministry of Tourism with the demonstration of the student identity.
(u) journalists, with the demonstration of journalistic identity, in force;
(v) holders of a Free Entry Card, by displaying it;
(w) members of the Hellenic Art Historical Society, with the demonstration considered
The following pay a reduced ticket:
A reduced fee is set for individual tickets, which are payable between April 1st and October 31st:
a. Children and young people aged 6 to 25 in countries outside the European Union.
b. Greek citizens and citizens of other Member States of the European Union over 65 years of age, displaying their police ID or passport to confirm their age and country of origin.
c. the accompanying parents in the educational visits to the schools of the first grade.
d. The accompanying teachers on educational visits to schools and institutions in the first, second and third levels of education outside the European Union.
The following have the right to get free admission card valid for three years with a renewal option:
• members of the Central Councils and of the Local Councils of Monuments of the Ministry of Culture and Sports.
• members of Boards and Directors of Organizations supervised by the Ministry of Culture and Sports.
• teachers of Primary and Secondary Schools and professors of Universities (active, nationals and foreigners).
• graduates of Departments of History and Archaeology of the Universities and of Architecture Schools and Art Schools. Moreover graduates of Schools of Conservation Science – and conservators of antiquities in general. The above Schools may be either Greek or equivalent ones of the state-members of the EU. The postgraduate diploma holders and the Ph.D. holders of the above Schools have also the same privilege.
• the Museum Studies graduates of Greek Universities or of equivalent Schools of the state-members of the EU and the postgraduate diploma holders and the Ph.D. holders of the above Schools.
• Directors and members of the Foreign Archaeological Schools in Greece.
• the retired employees of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and of the Archaeological Receipts Fund.
• the contract staff of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and of the Archaeological Receipts Fund.
Documentation for getting a free admission card:
1. Application.
2. Degree.
In case that you are a teacher, you should bring a confirmation, from which your employment relationship becomes evident.
3. Two (2) photographs.
If you want to renew your free admission card, you should bring one (1) photo and your old free admission card with you.
– Application
– Instructions for visitors – Covid-19